Tuesday, January 12, 2010


All things are mesmerizing, you just have to stop and look at it.~
Assalamualaikum. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
1/1/2010...Happy New Year! Well, another year has pass us. No turning back just keep looking forward with hope and some preparations to make the future page of our life meaningful. Hope our book of life will fill with pages that are made to make our next pages go stronger and matured. Not all the pass pages need to be happy and wonderful. Hye, our life is not a fairytale. Even a fairytale has its ups and downs. Even though they wrote on the last page “and they lived happily ever after” because they do not have the chance to feel the life longer than us in reality. They(the character in the story) just alive when we read or tell the story, after that, they are a gonner. Aren’t that sad? We as muslims have the opportunity to have a happy ever after life a.k.a paradise a.k.a Jannah. Owh, maybe I’m wrong. We humans have the chance to be happy forever after we die. In order to have that chance we must pick the right path and the right decisions every second in our life. That’s sounds hard but to get the best spot in class or best  camping spot, we have to study hard or track the right and the hardest path to get the spot where no one else had spoiled it. If that “wonderful thing” is easy to get, it is not wonderful anymore. Like the rainbow, to see one, you have to get through the wet  rain. Like in the Hannah Montanah’s movie I’ve just watch ‘life is a climb, but the view is beautiful’ Hehehe...this is different. But this is true you know. For example, you make the best dicision everytime you aprroce any choices, good or bad to you, and good or bad to the people around you. Like, you have to choose, want to brush your teeth that morning or not. Ok, let’s think the advantages and disadvantages: Advantages 1) Save your toothpaste and your salary are at stake. Save money 2)You can get out of the toilet fast bcoz its freezing cold. Disadvantages 1)YOUR MOUTH’LL STINK! 2) You’ll have a yellowish teeth..hehe 3) Somebody will make faces when talking to you or even worst, he/she will not talk to you at all. 4) You’ll feel uncomfortable.
So, all of us know that the best  is brushing your teeth that morning! Let see, when you brush, you feel comfortable, people around you also feels wonderfull to be around you and talking to you. You’ll make lots of friends. Open your opportunities of life in lots of different ways. When your mouth not stink, no one will talk or make fun about it, so, kurang dose...(>_<)... So, see? When we take the best choice, we’ll not regret or burden ourselves. This best choices usually give the wonderfuls in life such as respect, love, friendship, promotion and also hati yang tenang. Weee~... every choices is major important, from the biggest choices to the small and simple choices. All of the choices we pick results to what we are now. If you keep picking the wrong choices before, it’s ok. You can start choosing the right one start from this moment. Good luck! (0_<). For those who succesfully picking the right one, good job! Keep it up! Good luck to my darling too! That is me! Hehehe.. At this point, I have lots of book I have to read, so, what is my choice? To keep typing and the mid year exam is around the corner with my brain is not full with the proper things yet so, I cannot answer the exam and bye2 scholarship for me  or go read the books, fill up my brains with correct full marked exam answers and insyaallah  Mumtaz and scholarship is in my hand. Hurm? What to to choose? Hee~ just kidding..ok.. I choose the study one. So, has to stop my fingers. From now at least. I’ve got lots of things to put here. Wish me luck! The best of luck! P/S: Love my family very much ands thank alot to ALLAH that He still give me chance to live in Islam and also for all the wonderful thins I’ve earned..Alhamdulillah. Assalamualaikum.

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